Friday, December 27, 2019

6 Career Challenges You#8217;ll Face as a Recent College Graduate

6 Career Challenges You8217ll Face as a Recent College Graduate 6 Career Challenges You8217ll Face as a Recent College Graduate Making the move from college to your post-graduation life is one of the most exciting things you will ever do. You have your whole life before you and a world of possibilities.But that dream of possibilitydoesntalways pan out. Recent graduates frequently face challenges when making the transition from student life to the career world. Few people are able to land their perfect jobs effortlessly.Here are some of the common challengesyou may face as a new grad, as well as some tips on how to overcome them1. No Real World ExperienceMany employers prefer candidates with a little experience in their industry. Even though you have graduated with a degree and presumably know a lot about your industry, real-world job experience will make you more marketable.To gain some real-world experience, you should try to find an internship during your junior or senior year of college. If its too late to get the internship, reach out to your professors to see if they know of any companies looking for recent graduates.2. Unrealistic ExpectationsYou have a degree. Thats wonderful But so do most of the other candidates. You dont have experience in the field, you probably dont have many connections, and you likely dont have a lot of other experience thats applicable to your job search. Its not realistic to imagine that youll land your dream job right out of college or be running a company in three years. These things do, occasionally, happen but they are the exception, not the rule.Recognize that youll have to pay your dues before you can land anelevated position within an organization.3. Unsure How to Negotiate Salary and BenefitsYou might have been told that the salary you make directly out of college contributes greatly to your lifetime earning potential. This is because most of your raises from that point forward will be based on your current salary. Th e higher your starting salary, the better each subsequent raise will be.Unfortunately, most college graduates have no idea how to properly negotiate their salaries. They might be afraid they wont get the job if they ask for more money. The reality is that most employers expect you to negotiate. They frequently offer lower than they expect to pay so they have some wiggle room for negotiating. If you dont ask for more money than they offer, youre intentionally accepting less than they think the position is worth. So, take some time to brush up on your negotiating skills. Your future self will thank you.4. Poor Interview SkillsUnfortunately, this is another area that college frequently does not prepare you for. Many students graduate believing that if they have the degree, the skills, and the drive, theyll get a great job. The reality is that your interview is tremendously important. From the time you walk into the room until the time you send (or neglect to send) a thank-you card, you are being judged. One wrong answer could mean missing out on a great opportunity.Its a good idea to practice interviewing well before you graduate. Some colleges offer interview coaching, but you could also work with a friend or teacher. And before your interview, do some research. Be prepared to talk about the company and why you would fit in there.5. RelocationYou may be reluctant to relocate for a job, but as a recent graduate, you cant afford to be choosy. Depending on your degree and your area of interest, there might not be many positions for the career you want in your home state. Its also possible that an employer in another state will offer a better salary or more opportunities for career development. You should seriously consider relocating if a great job offer comes your way.6. Lack of DirectionRecent college graduates are frequently confused about their lifes paths. You might be torn between starting your career and pursuing furthereducation. You might want to travel be fore you get a job. Or maybe you really want to get to work, but you just dont know what you want to do.Unfortunately, there is no easy solution for this problem. Everyones journey is different. Eventually, things will start to become clearer. In the meantime, try new things, join clubs or organizations, meet new people, look for popular professions among previous graduates, and search for new jobs constantly. Eventually, something will click.Graduating from college is a huge accomplishment But as with any life transition, it comes with its share of challenges. These are some of the most common challenges faced by college grads. Are there any others you would add to the list? Have you experienced any of these challenges? How did you handle them? Leave a comment below

Monday, December 23, 2019

How You Can Boost Employee Morale in Your Workplace

How You Can Boost Employee Morale in Your WorkplaceHow You Can Boost Employee Morale in Your WorkplaceEmployee morale describes the overall outlook, attitude, satisfaction, and confidence that employees feel at work. When employees are positive about their work environment and believe that they can meet their most important career and vocational needs, employee morale is positive or high. Like employee motivation, you cant give an employee positive morale. As an employer, though, you do control large components of the environment in which employees work each day. Consequently, you are a powerful contributor to whether an employees morale is positive or negative. Portions of the environment that you control that have an impact on employee morale include things like the effectiveness of your managers, the quality of managers interaction with employees, and the way employees interact with each other on a day-to-day basis. You hold the cards to creatingthe environment or culture in which these positive factors are valued. For starters, its as simple as rewarding and recognizing the managers who best bildschirm the characteristics you want to see in their interactions with employees. Contributors to Positive Employee Morale When employees have confidence in the capability of their company leadership, they tend to have positive morale. When they share a vision for where the company is headed and are positive about the direction, employees also exhibit high morale. Feeling part of the goals that are bigger than themselves (and their job) contributes significantly to positive employee morale. Many employees want to feel as if they are part of something important and contributing to success for the greater good is a real morale booster. A deep focus on serving the needs of customers also promotes positive employee morale. Communication is another significant factor in positive employee morale. Employees want to feel that they are privy to the important information a bout their company, their customers, and their products. They also need current information so that the decisions they make are congruent with their success in the company. The interaction of employees with their immediate manager and coworkers plays a role in employee morale. Effective, harmonious interpersonal relationships bolster employee morale and make employees feel that going to work is a worthwhile endeavor in addition to collecting a paycheck. The relationship with their immediate manager and their communication and interaction with the senior managers are also significant. Employees want to feel as if they are valued equally with other employees and held in serious regard by the senior team of leaders. Positive Employee Morale Detractors When employees dislike their manager and compete with co-workers for attention and appreciation, morale is generally low. If employees lack confidence in the companys leadership and direction, morale will also be affected. When an emp loyee is unsure what is expected of them (and hence experience a lack of accomplishment) morale is low. Steps to Improve Employee Morale Factors that can contribute to positive employee morale include the following Providing reasonable, supportive management and leadership personnel who have integrity and will treat employees fairly and consistently.Treating employees withrespect.Treating employees as if they are one of your organizations most significant resourcesProviding regularemployee recognition.Taking actions thatempower employeesso they can make decisions about their jobs.Offering open and regular communication about issues important to employees.Providingfeedbackandcoaching.Offering above industry-averagebenefitsandcompensation. Giving employees the opportunity to develop their professional skills and their careers.Providingemployee perksand company activities. You can measure your organizations success, in part, by measuring employee satisfaction. Building positive emp loyee morale is not difficult it just takes desire, time, and commitment on the part of management and the organization.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

These Are 10 Good Reasons to Change Careers in Your 20s

These Are 10 Good Reasons to Change Careers in Your 20sThese Are 10 Good Reasons to Change Careers in Your 20sHi I think I know you a bit. You finished college a few years ago, were busy travelling for a while, had a job or two, but feel like your career hasnt quite taken off yet. Whats wrong?If you are still in your late 20s, youve no reason to despair. At this age, you already have a decent perspective on your life and its just natural that you want to take control.So, if the job or career you picked right out of college is not satisfying, you better do something about it. And the best time to do so is now.Obviously it takes courage to quit a steady, well-paying, full-time job to abflug a new career. While some will always deem this type of behavior irresponsible and risky, it may as well turn out to be one of the best decisions youve ever made.Here are 10 good reasons to change careers in your 20s. They will help you decide whether its high time to follow your calling and find you r desired career ASAP1. You dont feel any fulfilment or satisfactionYou may like the salary that lands in your bank account every month, but what if you lack satisfaction from what you do?Well, theres no substitution for a fulfilling and meaningful career. If you know that the job is not something you see yourself doing long-term, starting to look for a new position is the only next logical step to do.2. You want to gain new skillsStaying in the saatkorn job might be a safe option. But if youre looking for opportunities to grow and gain new experience, starting afresh at a different company is the best thing to do.In your late 20s, some aspect of your personality might not have had a chance to develop. Think about your strengths and weaknesses and focus on the skills youd like to gain. Changing careers at a right time will also help you get a better perspective of complex tasks and improve your problem-solving skills.3. You want to move closer to your goalsThere is no harm in changi ng jobs if it can help you move one step closer towards true career fulfilment. It might seem like an elusive goal, but who ever had everything figured out in their late 20s?As long as each of your decisions is purposeful and strategic, its good to take risks to unleash your true potential and carve your own path. Similarly to a part-time job or college internship, each position will help you see what makes you tick and what you despise.4. The current work environment is not your cup of teaThe environment can make as much of an impact on your career satisfaction as the type of work youre a part of. Lets say that your first job is working for a large corporation where youre a small fish in a big pond. You may find yourself having the itch to work with a smaller team in a mora dynamic environment and take on mora responsibility.When still in your late 20s, you need to expose yourself to different teams and company cultures. Its important to find a place which resonates with your value s and will support your ideas instead of discarding them.5. Youve stopped learning and growingDo you feel that the last time you actually learnt something was college?If your tasks start to feel routine and you feel apathy creeping in because you no longer have any opportunities to grow, then youd do better to look for a new challenge. From time to time, we all need a dramatic change to stimulate our brains and get ourselves onto that steeper learning curve again. Invest in yourself by starting a new career that will make you thrive and feel strong again.6. The positives no longer outweigh the negativesOK, lets do the math. Does your salary no mora make up for the stress and overtime? Do interesting projects no longer compensate for the dull tasks? Do fun times become less and less frequent?If your answer to all of these questions is NO, you may want to look for a job where the balance is more in your favor. Putting down all the positives and negatives will help you see your present situation. No job is pure joy, but its only up to you to decide what youre willing to put up with.7. Youre just driftingJour jobs just fine, your salary is good, theresnothing special going on. Sort of average, right? Sometimes you seem to be drifting through life, having no ambitions, no real sense of direction. That is frustrating. So if youre dreaming of awakening your inner genius and breathing in some passion and excitement to your career, you need to take control.Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while to prevent yourself from settling for mediocrity. Change your career path before its too late.8. Youre living for the weekendsDo jokes about horrible Mondays and fantastic Fridays resonate with you? Are TGIF the four letters that describe your working week? If you keep counting off the days to the weekend, it has gone too far. Besides being demanding and challenging, your work is also supposed to be rewarding and funIf you cant help but feel fr ustrated in your current job, then no amount of life after work is going to make up for that.9. Youre getting dangerously close to burnoutTight deadlines make us stay late, checking emails on holiday has become normal, and well all go that extra mile to deliver a perfect presentation. Theres nothing wrong about working hard. But if you cant sleep properly, if you need to work 7 days a week, if your body is suffering from the heavy workload its high time to take a break or find a more balanced lifestyle.10. You have a burning desire to do something elseUnless you want to spend your whole life on autopilot, its important to learn to listen to your gut and trust your intuition. Maybe you have a passion that youve been dreaming of following for years. Maybe you have a great business idea that is alive and kicking. Or you simply feel you need to get immersed in completely different projects.If these ideas have been stealing your sleep, if you instinctively feel its time to move on, then now is the best time to make it a reality.Decided to change careers in your 20s? Good. What to do next?Youre lucky. As a 20-something, you still have the opportunity to strategically pivot your career path, leveraging your skills and network to get where you want to go. If youre unsure about making the career change, ask your close friends and trusted colleagues what they think. Those who know you best will be willing to provide you with a useful insight into your situation. Also, its certainly quite uncomfortable to face longer absence of your regular income. If this is the case, sit down first and take a proper look at your finances. Your savings may be something to rely on during the transition.So appreciate the time you have in your late 20s to get your feet wet with different tasks and absorb everything you can while youre still young. And if youre still hesitant, there are just four letters for you YOLO So why stay in the same role forever when you can leave your past behind a nd invest in expanding your horizons instead? helped more than 300K people to get their dream jobs. Now its your turn.Check out our ultimate guide on how to write a killer resumeand take control of your careerShare Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to prioritize when your to-do list wants to kill you

How to prioritize when your to-do list wants to kill youHow to prioritize when your to-do list wants to kill youYou sit down at your computer, grab your favorite notepad, and begin jotting down a to-do list for the day Answer that email check on the progress of an existing project reach out to a new connection finish reviewing (and submit) a huge assignment.And before you know it, youre out of paper - but you know theres still so much more to do. And now, rather than looking at your to-do list as something to kick-abflug productivity, keep you organized, and actually help you, you feel like its only out to get you.Weve all been there Staring down at that seemingly never-ending list isnt fun - particularly when theres so much to accomplish you cant even determine how and where to get started. But dont spiral into a panic just yet Here are six tips to help you prioritize your to-do list, even when your workload seems completely unmanageable.1. Write down only what needs to get doneTh is point seems painfully obvious. But, if youre anything like me, your to-do list always (somehow) becomes a dumping ground. Its where you note all of those random tidbits that pop into your head - whether its a new book to read or an idea for a long-term project you want to get started on soon.Before you know it, the list that was supposed to keep you focused for one day is now a document detailing reminders for the next few months. So now its just making you feel more stressed and swamped - rather than helping you see a quick snapshot of the things you should be chipping away at today.You can still go ahead and jot down all of those little things that need to find their way out of your brain and onto paper. But, after youve done that, start a separate to-do list for just the next 24-hours. Itll help you feel less overwhelmed and much more clear-headed.2. Recognize the difference between urgent and importantAnd now focus While it may not always feel like it, theres a big differen ce between urgent and important. So when trying to dig your way out of a ridiculously large pile of tasks, focus solely on the urgent ones- even if that means leaving important things dangling on your list for the next day.Armed with an already pared down to-do list (see step 1) you have a good start on recognizing what you need to accomplish. But now I challenge you to take a fine-tooth comb to that existing list. For each action element, ask yourself, Does this absolutely need to be done by tomorrow morning?This will help you separate the things that absolutely need to get done from the things you really want to get done. When youre already pressed for time and resources, focus on just the barebones. Things that dont have a pressing deadline should be removed immediately. (Add them to the overflow list, not your today to-do list.)3. Batch similar tasks togetherProject hopping - were all guilty of it. You answer an email, make a little progress on a project, reply to another email , and then go back to said project. Yes, youre working hard - but, are you really working smart? Constantly switching gears can often be a distraction, making it difficult for you to maintain focus and cross entire tasks off your to-do list.This is where the concept of batching comes in. Numerous productivity experts have asserted that grouping similar tasks together into batches can significantly increased productivity. So, address all of those lingering emails, and then move on to your bigger project. Youll notice an uptick in both productivity and focus.4. Utilize the Pomodoro TechniqueHave you heard of the Pomodoro Technique? If you easily fall into the trap of distraction, this can really help you stay in the zone. Basically, it splits your workday into chunks. You work for 25 minutes, and then take a five-minute break. And that full cycle is called the Pomodoro Technique.Taking breaks can seem counterintuitive when your schedule is already packed. However, this time managemen t system works by instilling a sense of urgency. Youre motivated to get as much work done as possible in those 25 minutes. Its a great trick to be more intentional with your time5. Estimate your timeWe all start our workdays with the best intentions. And, yes, being overly ambitious with your to-do list might sound like a good idea in theory. But, it usually means you end the day feeling frustrated.Its for this very reason that you should assign time estimates. Next to each task, note how much time you think that particular item will take. Then, do some simple math and add everything up, including at least an hour of buffer time for unexpected roadblocks. If those estimates add up to a ridiculous number then you need to seriously prioritize your items- or work an extra long day to accomplish it all.This exercise helps you be realistic with what you aim to complete. Plus, it allows you to get a proactive handle on whether or not youre going to miss a deadline. This means you can get ahead of the problem and loop the necessary people in on the probable delay, rather than begging for forgiveness when youve missed the mark.6. Just get startedThe above tips can undoubtedly be helpful when trying to tackle an overwhelming workload. But, sometimes the best thing is to just take a deep breath and get started.Of course, you want to attack your to-do list in a way thats as methodical and strategic as possible - you dont want to waste time unnecessarily by hopping around from project to project. However, you also want to avoid falling into the opposite trap If you spend so much time figuring out how to get started on your to-do list, you end up wasting time - time you couldve used to cross off a few tasks.So, ultimately, use your best judgment when it comes to managing responsibilities and assignments. After all, nobody knows your work style (or your to-do list, for that matter) as well as you do.This article was originally published on The Everygirl.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Idiots Manual to Vet Tech Resume Revealed

The Idiots Manual to Vet Tech Resume Revealed The curriculum is made up of a technology based delivery system that permits students to learn at their own speed. The exact first site of yur resume is regarded as the most essential. There are a couple suggestions to help you after the sample resume. This sample gives you the ideal start in preparing your work application package. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Vet Tech Resume In some respects, theres no difference. You could have a similar strategy, and add an extra line about the opportunity if necessary. An individual should learn the name of the person whom makes the choice. A resume objective will be most effective if youre able to state something specific about the specific clinic to which youre applying. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Vet Tech Resume Your vet tech cover letter shouldnt be more than a complete page unless absolutely needed. The notion is to maintain the Vet focused at work. Several have no one to provide after-hours advice when your dog comes home. The Supreme Strategy to Vet Tech Resume Leave out skills that you dont want to use in your new position. Document work experience clearly, anyone reviewing your resume will also need to know that youve got the work experience required to be prosperous. Exactly where you decide to place your skills on your resume, dont forget to tailor your list of expertise to the particular job. You wish to highlight skills that are related to the position. Applicants to the externship has to be in their final year of an accredited veterinary technician program, be in a position to lift 30 pounds, and be prepared to work outdoors in all sorts of weather. DONTlist all former employment. If you want to get a terrific job, you require a resume that employers would love to read. In addition, candidates need to be able to follow protocol, lift 40 pounds, and work nicely with hospital staff and volunteers. A Secret Weapon for Vet Tech Res ume Incomplete or late applications wont be considered. Producing your resume is vital. In other words, employing an Experienced Resume Format In Word speeds up the practice of producing a winning resume and ensures that it is going to stick out in the application procedure. In other words, utilizing an Experienced Ca Resume Samples speeds up the practice of producing a winning resume and ensures that its going to stick out in the application practice. The Rise of Vet Tech Resume The price of a vet tech program provided by means of a community college by itself is pretty significant. Vet Tech professional summaries serve as roadmaps for the remainder of your resume, so make certain that the remainder of the resume supports the summary. The clinic could have an ATS. YOU might not have enough time and resources to supply optimum care through recovery and rehab. The Start of Vet Tech Resume Whether youre interested in wildlife care or little animal medicine, there are progra ms out there in every area. Experience with horses isnt important to a strictly compact animal vet. You have to genuinely care for animals. The animals consist of marine life, large carnivores, together with urban wildlife. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Vet Tech Resume Is Wrong If youre considering how to compose a CV that delivers one of the interviews you want, you wish to contemplate about each and every component of your CV, specially the design along with the real particulars youll need to add. A CV needs to be legible, concise, consistent, and simple to scan. Your CV is merely one of the most significant alternatives for advertising to a firm. You would enjoy the wonderful academic CV. When youre prepared to compose your own resume, make certain to take a peek at our veterinary technician resume example below. Telling your prospective employer about your previous work experience as a veterinary technician or a similar position is also an extraordinary mea ns to indicate that you have what is needed to be a terrific employee. Furthermore, you can learn more on the subject of animal tafelgeschirrs careers and search for vet tech jobs on Monster. As you start to apply for jobs as a Veterinary Technician, you will have to have a great resume youll have to have a great resume to draw the interest of the hiring manager. The Fight Against Vet Tech Resume The effort that you devote up front can produce a lot of difference to whether you truly locate the job which you desire. If youre in the market for a new career or mean to change your present job then youll want to post a resume in as many spots as possible to raise your visibility in the front side of the potential companies. A whole lot of men and women say they wish to be a tech only because they love animals, but you need to be ready to put in the time and energy. A wonderful many folks who should progress toward becoming techs wonder how a great deal of cash they can aspire to m ake. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Vet Tech Resume Free cover letters also dont show you the way to make your cover letter seem distinctive and fresh to prospective employers. There are many different customer service positions in existence. Customer service is critical. When youre searching for employment, after that it is quite crucial that youre mindful of how to provide yourself in the perfect process of a service provider.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Is Your Manager Trustworthy

Is Your Manager Trustworthy For a recent Voice of the Workplace survey, Waggl asked business professionals to weigh in on a juicy topic that affects every workplace trust.Interestingly,37 percent of the participants in the studysaid they do not trust their immediate supervisor to make decisions with their best interest in mind. In contrast, 76 percent of participants said they trust their coworkers to follow through on their responsibilities and to keep the teams best interests in mind 84 percent said they trust and believe in the mission of their organization and 81 percent reported their company trusts them to do their job well when working autonomously.Here are some of the other key findings- Supervisor trust levels are highest in the nonprofit industry (80 percent) and among the youngest participants, ages 26-40 (74 percent). They were lowest in the advertising/marketing industry (40 percent) and among participants 41-55 years of age (55 percent). - Coworker trust levels are highest on the West Coast (92 percent) and in the technology industry (90 percent). They are lowest in the South (58 percent) and in the nonprofit industry (60 percent).- Organizational trust levels are highest in the South (100 percent) and among the oldest participants, ages 56-70 (88 percent). Respondents from the nonprofit and advertising/marketing industries responded unanimously that they trust the mission of their organizations.- Autonomy levels are highest in the nonprofit industry (90 percent) and among participants age 26-40 (87 percent). They are lowest in the advertising/marketing industry (60 percent) and on the East Coast (74 percent).- Trust levels are relatively equal in terms of gender, although men reported slightly higher levels of coworker trust (82 percent) than women (73 percent).The survey also asked participants, What could my organization do to inspire higher levels of trust? and distilled crowdsourced responses into a ranked list . The top three answers wereBecome more transparent. Conduct direct and candid conversations rather than message indirectly through others.Upskill people managers with the skills and knowledge to empower their people and lead by example, taking more of a coaching role than an old-fashioned boss.Remove unnecessary hierarchy, communicate more clearly, and be more honest about things we get wrong and what we are doing about them.In our current era of constant business disruption and change, cultivating a high level of trust is more important than ever if an organization wants to achieve agility and growth. As behauptung pulse responses indicate, the best path to developing trust between individuals is to make a commitment to open, transparent communication, which in turn leads to more authentic relationships between employees, their immediate supervisors, and the larger organization. Creating an open, transparent forum for two-way dialogue builds connection, collaboration, and alignmen t across the organization.A version of this article originally appeared on theWaggl blog.Wagglis the most human way for organizations to crowdsource feedback.